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LogBook 1

The beggining

Logbook 1

Initial research on business creation

Lawyer appointment

Website creation



1- Information Gathering

Initially, it was necessary to gather information on what was needed to open a company in Tanzania: The initial research was laborious, and I was able to find a lot of information, most of which contradicted the previous ones.

It is in light of this that I remembered a phrase saying "one cannot be the best at everything, but one can surround oneself with the best." In this area, it was quite easy for me to recognize the limits of my skills, which is why we quickly moved on to the second step.

2- Meeting with lawyers

I therefore contacted several Tanzanian lawyers that I was able to find on the Internet and others that Laizar sent me.

At that moment, everything seemed so simple to us; we were going to have a company that would grow, so it would be easy to have competent partners. It didn't actually happen that way; some lawyers were far from professional, not even knowing how to make a quote, while others didn't bother to find a quiet place during our meetings.  

Fortunately, two stood out from the crowd due to their professionalism. At that moment, I called Laizar to explain that it annoyed me to have to put in so much effort to find things that seemed so accessible, but I didn't even have time to complain before his lightheartedness and relaxed mindset made me realize that I had nothing to gain by being tense about the situation. He had just reminded me how negative situations were just a matter of perspective.

3- I really enjoyed creating the site, despite all the difficulties encountered. Knowing that we were starting to lay the first bricks of our project was incredibly motivating; in just 2 weeks, the site was up. After each call, we celebrate as if the project has already come to life. I am starting to read "The Obstacle Is the Way" by Ryan Holiday, which resonates particularly well with the idea of perceiving things as they are and allows us to act on what we can, without complaining about what we endure; it is particularly suited to the situation.  

All the stars are aligned. 

We are starting to have a concrete plan: It takes 45 days for the lawyers to create the company and obtain the operating permits, we need 6 months to raise the funds, and Lazar will have his vacation in April. He will go to his hometown to scout for a place that will allow us to host our clients, and he will plan the activities.

Once that is done, I will join him in June so that everything is ready by July for the adventures to begin. Of course, this is just the plan we have made, and we expect some unexpected events, but that is part of the journey.

4 - Publication & Translations

These are laborious steps that I try to complete fairly quickly, nothing fun here except fixing a few bugs and listening to the recommendations of my loved ones. The hype of creation has passed, and we are finding a rhythm to keep moving forward, as we still have many obstacles that we will strive to see as opportunities to learn.

What's next?

The next step is to generate traffic to this blog so that it can find its audience. I don't have any ideas for that yet; if you have any, I would gladly take the suggestions.

PS: I forgot to mention that communication is not always easy with Laizar because we are working on our side to save costs, and here is the quality of our video calls:  

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Zanzibar 2
Another step to the Safari