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Change to Heal: An Adventure That Will (Has) Transform(ed) Everything

No matter what we do, how we feel, or even how we react to situations, we are always under the influence of external factors. Whether they are good or bad, it is these influences that guide us on the path we are currently following. That is why today, I am taking a step back to share with you what my influences have been in bringing this project to fruition.

Whether we refer to experiences, books, or people, these influences are actually the pigments of the painting that is life!

Here is the genesis of this project according to me (Alex), Laizar's version is Here !

The starting point

Of course, not everything is always rosy, and this story begins with an episode of depression. At that time, I was a sales representative in solar panels and I was failing to meet my goals, no longer able to handle the pressure I was putting on myself. At the end of December 2022, I broke up with my girlfriend and quit my job as if to disconnect from this world. In the few months that followed, I had nothing on my mind except a phrase that kept repeating: "You cannot heal in the environment that made you sick." I decided to apply for several seasonal jobs all over the world.

A first step

After several video conference interviews, I'm flying to PUJ: Punta Cana. There, I will be an entertainer at a large American-style hotel (Tropical Princess Deluxe).

I am learning the qualities of a facilitator, particularly interpersonal skills, and on the other hand, I am spending more time alone than I ever have. This is how I started reading, beginning with "All the Blue of the Sky," which I will recommend to all my loved ones when I return.

From these 7 months in the Dominican Republic, I take away that "there are always flowers for those who want to see them," that travel can be a tool for self-discovery, and that it is quite easy to eliminate old habits when you change your surroundings.

Get back in the saddle

Obviously, everything was more beautiful in the sun, and returning to France in November 2023 was a real cold shower. I try out a few jobs, but nothing stimulates me anymore. At that moment, I see travel as the only solution to regain my smile.

On 01/10/2023, I am leaving for Mexico, to Puerto Vallarta. New beginning, new destination, new adventure.

Thanks to the Worldpacker tool, I found a ranch that, in exchange for 4 hours of daily work, offers accommodation and meals. Here I am a farmer for 3 weeks, with plenty of free time and absolutely no activities around. It was time for introspection. 

It is during hikes, evenings by the fire, and chess games (crafted from scratch with a bit of "clay," a lot of time, and a dose of imagination) that I rediscover happiness: simplicity and sharing. I enjoy it, and then comes the time for goodbyes. At the same time, the company that had hired me for Punta Cana contacts me again to work in Zanzibar. I quickly finish my tour of Mexico, meeting wonderful people and continuing in this dynamic of simplicity. We attract what we project, and this natural and spiritual mindset has brought me sincere and deep encounters: I will keep this lesson for the future!


1st March 2024

The first step was to integrate myself (I was the only French staff member), and through the work experience I had gained previously, I was able to do it quite quickly.

Everything happened very quickly: from one country to another, from one culture to another, I didn't have the time to look back and appreciate every moment between safaris and incredible encounters with the villagers of Makundushi. And already the clients were expressing how much they would dream of starting their lives over to be able to live my situation, which was quite reassuring.

The clients being just passing through, I quickly became friends with the staff, especially Laizar. As we shared meals and evenings together, I told him about my travels, and he left a mark on me with this phrase: "I didn't think it was possible; if you can do it, we can too." Our discussions became more and more relevant, and he shared his dream with me: "I would like to welcome people to share my culture," adding, "The product is Africa, it's us; we could even do better than them."

These words particularly resonated with me, and upon reflection, this project checks all the boxes that travel has brought me so far.

A handshake, our own definition of "Young, Wild and Free" and here we go!

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Adventure, Culture and Determination: My Maasai Story on the Road to Success