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3 Keys to Traveling with a Light Mind

Prepare Mentally for a Stress-Free Adventure


Every journey, trip, or adventure always begins with a starting point. Today, we will take a step back from this situation to be ready to depart without burdening our minds with negative thoughts.

Nous savons tous le stress que peut engendrer un départ en vacances : la peur d'oublier quelque chose (ou quelqu'un), d'être en retard, de rater son moyen de transport.

Obviously, we all react with a different degree of tension in response to this moment. However, there are certain mental processes that we can all apply to make our lives easier and thus: leave with a light mind.

1.L'état d'esprit avant le départ

Imagine the scene: you think you are ready, having organized everything so you don't forget anything: from the passport to the toiletry bag, everything is ready.

You always have the feeling that you've forgotten something, that everything isn't going to go as planned, time is flying by, and this feeling is bothering you more and more.

You are therefore taking the first step of your adventure with a heavy feeling, a burden that you will only get rid of once you are settled in.

It is this feeling that has no place and that we must clarify until it disappears. The first step is to become aware of it.

Set a timer on your phone for 1 minute and close your eyes. With a few deep breaths, you become aware of the state of stress you are experiencing.

Now, you have the desire to eliminate it so you can fully enjoy your vacation. To do this, you need to realize that you do not control EVERYTHING. We have all had experiences where we thought we had prepared everything, and then nothing went as planned.

When did all of this get sorted out? When you accepted it!

The situation has remained the same, but your perspective has changed because you have let go of the control you wanted to exert.

Here, it's the same: you will be able to eradicate this stress when you accept that not everything goes as you planned. It will be different. By letting go, you will embrace the surprise and see an unprecedented situation as an opportunity to learn. That's the magic of letting go! And for that, you need to have the will.

woman sitting on bench over viewing mountain

2. La volonté

You are capable of many things, and you have proven it throughout your life, whether you realized it or not. From now on, you have experienced it: your will can influence your feelings and emotions.

It is relatively simple for some people to calm anxiety, while for others it may seem like an impossible mission. The common factor is each person's will, which can be put to the test before, during, and after the journey. Fortunately for us, there are techniques to overcome this when our will is almost exhausted.

The book "The Power of Will" teaches us a lot about ourselves, and in this case, we will remember two sentences:

- Remettre un vice à plus tard est très efficace pour ne pas y succomber.

Dans ce cas : je ne penserai que positif jusqu'à ce que mes valises soient posées ; ou si c'est trop difficile, simplement ne plus dire aucune phrase négative jusqu'à… (dépend du stress d'origine).

- Les récompenses à court et long terme ont un impact énorme sur notre volonté ; surtout si elles sont prévues en amont.

In that case, if you think complaining will improve your trip, that will be your reward: "I can only complain after the first 24 hours of the journey."

All that’s left is to apply; who can say of themselves that they "want" without having tried different ways to achieve it!

3. La perception

You now have tools to accept and improve your situation. During these processes, you have surely noticed that you are trying to change yourself more than the situation.

It is your perception of things that makes them what they are: you surely know the expression "dancing in the rain." It perfectly illustrates how your perception will influence you. No matter the problem or how things turn out, your perception must be an ally.

Recognizing this will always help you face things more effectively. Whether it's a lesson to learn for next time or simply to bring a smile to your face, it will always be useful for you to see that you experience things through a prism, and it is up to you and your willingness to change that prism.

If you want to know more about this topic, I highly recommend "The Obstacle Is the Way" by Ryan Holiday.

woman sitting on hill


It depends only on you and your willingness to leave with a light heart.

You are trying to let go, really try, what do you have to lose?

Your willpower will always win if you use it wisely. With perspective on the situation, you will know where you are going (both emotionally and physically) and you will have the will to improve yourself to move forward lightly.

Puis, vous vous rappellerez que votre état d'esprit n'est qu'un reflet de votre perception : lorsque vous serez prêts à danser sous la pluie, à sourire à un retard, à transformer les épreuves en opportunités, vous serez prêts à partir l'esprit léger.

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